Meet Patrick Colossi ‘17

Your passion. Our passion. #StevensPride


Class of 1974 Term Scholarship, Class of 1979 Term Scholarship, George E. Frederick, Jr. Term Scholarship Fund, James V. Tully and Emily Stevens Endowed Scholarship, and the Advanced Polymer Scholarship Award recipient, Patrick Colossi ‘17, is grateful for the philanthropy of our donors. Patrick received his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and went on to earn his master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing through Stevens’ 4+1 Master’s Program. Today, he is working to obtain a patent for a novel biofuel production process that he worked on as a 4th-year student here at Stevens. The process can be used to convert plastic waste into usable fuel for automobiles and other machinery and, thanks to his Stevens education, Patrick was able to attain patent-pending status from the USPTO. He is also actively applying to PhD programs in pharmacology to potentially expand his education, as well as potential job opportunities.

Patrick believes his time at Stevens nurtured and supported his determination to start a career in the pharmaceutical industry, specifically in the research and development sector. “Between the understanding faculty and unparalleled learning environment, my goals for the future were firmly cemented. I worked hard to achieve my goals while at Stevens and continue to do so today.”

Regarding the scholarships Patrick was awarded: “With the utmost gratitude, I would like to thank you very much for your financial contribution to my education. I feel very humbled that you chose to award me such a substantial sum and can only repay you with my sincerest thanks and a promise fulfilled. With your generous contribution, I was able to succeed at Stevens and utilize the amazing opportunities that were made available to me by the institution in order to strengthen my educational background for the future. Please know that your investment was not for naught. Given my financial situation at the time and the difficult economic environment, your donation meant a great deal to me. Paying for education, as you must know, is no easy task. Knowing that there are people and organizations who care enough about students at Stevens to donate significant funds towards their educational careers is a thought that makes me both very proud and truly thankful. So once again, I must tell you that I greatly appreciate what you have done for me and cannot thank you enough for caring for Stevens’ student community.”


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