Spotlight on Scholarships at Stevens

Thank you for supporting scholarships and making a difference in the lives of hundreds of Stevens students!

Stevens students lead busy lives, whether they’re attending classes, working internships, conducting research or leading campus groups like Gear and Triangle, STEP, sororities, fraternities and more.

To give you a peek at the many activities involved with life at Castle Point today, we asked a handful of juniors and seniors who receive scholarships to keep a journal for a week. Here are some of their entries.



Dakota Van Deursen
Mechanical Engineering ’19

"Today, I did homework. I’m sure that’s not all I did, but those four words encapsulate the sentiment of the day fairly well. Rather than go out to see friends, my roommate and I stayed in the apartment."

Read more about Dakota's week



Marianna Fleming
Civil Engineering ’19

"I got up early to complete tasks for my research job with the coastal research group at the Davidson Laboratory on campus. The coastal group looks for storms that cause drastic erosion and tracks how beaches change before and after storms."

Learn more about Marianna's week



Gabrielle Mathelier
Civil Engineering ’18

"On Tuesdays, I have senior design. Since my team needs to keep our sponsor in the loop, we had a conference call. The meeting was slightly stressful, because even though we got a lot accomplished on our bridge design, we still have a lot more to do."

Read more about Gabrielle's week



Olivia Schreiber
Chemical Biology ’18

"I’ve been working at the Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education on campus for the past three and a half years as a work-study student. Today they paired up with Lockheed Martin to host a Stem-A-Thon for approximately 400 eighth graders and I was able to spend several hours at the event."

Read more about Olivia's week

Whitney Brown
Civil Engineering ’19

"On my last co-op, I had the opportunity to learn about construction, working for the Walsh Group. I grew very close to my co-workers and decided to return for my next co-op this summer. Their recruiter, Jackie, invited me to attend their informational session to talk about my experience."

Read more about Whitney's week



Melanie Caba
Biomedical Engineering ’19

"Tonight we voted on potential new members of the Gear and Triangle honor society. Being part of Gear and Triangle has surrounded me with other strong leaders on campus, where I’ve been able to learn from them different methods of leadership."

Read more about Melanie's week



Ryan Bertani
Civil Engineering ’18

"Tonight was the Founders Day Ball! My favorite part of the night was seeing everyone being their authentic self. That person who I usually see sitting quietly in the back of a classroom was laughing hysterically and busting a move. Seniors celebrated the midway point to their last semesters. It truly was a great night."

Read more about Ryan's week



Drew Cottrell
Mechanical Engineering ’19

"Even though I had to stop playing lacrosse because of an injury, I now get to coach our varsity team as a student-assistant. This morning, we got on the bus to Endicott College for our game. It was a little bit of a sloppy game at half time, but we played better in the second half and ended up winning 14-4. It was a nice out-of-conference win for our team."

Read more about Drew's week


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