Today, I got to don one of my favorite hats on-campus, in my role as the Vice President of Student Interests for the Student Government Association. What was the occasion? It is time for the semi-annual Student Government Association New Organization Process! An integral part of the first phase of the four-stage process is when each individual who requested a new organization be considered takes a seat with representatives from the Office of Student Life the SGA. The purpose of these meetings is to ensure that the organization's purpose isn't already being addressed by another of the 100+ student-run organizations under my purview as VPSI. Luckily, this one wasn't! As with most of these meetings, too, talk diverted to other topics of conversation. The meeting couldn't last forever, however. Reining everything back in, we finished up talking about the plans for the new organization and went along our merry ways. Another day, another student org.
The first thing I went to was an afternoon review for one of my classes, hosted by Omega Chi Epsilon. Junior chemical engineers are in the middle of a slew of midterms this week, and I certainly do appreciate all of the time and energy that our elders put into organizing these review sessions for us! It seems that no matter the review for no matter the course, there is always something new that I pick up in these reviews that proves useful on the exam. I then went to lunch with a few friends. While we were sitting there digging in, who should show up but the leader of our previous review, a Ph.D. student. We’re all very close, so he pulled up a chair and we started talking Chem-E relevant topics in lingo. His friend swung by too, and I sat back a few moments later to soak in the conversations whirling around me. On one side, Ph.D. speak about specific projects. On the other, undergraduate speak about pancakes and distillation columns. In the middle, crossover questions and comments on each other’s conversations.
Founder's Day Ball this year, the 9th annual, was absolutely marvelous. Somehow, it also happened to be my first-ever, though I have been here for three years. I now wish I could turn back the clock and go to those in years prior! Walking through the throng of people packing the lobby of Liberty Science Center, it was truly amazing to be able to stop, chat, and compliment the endless people I have only seen in one state: hurriedly rushing from one class to another, worried about completing this, that, or the other. Rather, tonight, everyone was laid back, laughing alongside friends in guffaws they probably haven't reached in weeks.
Today, I did homework. I’m sure that’s not all I did, but those four words encapsulate the sentiment of the day fairly well. Rather than go out to see friends, my roommate and I stayed in the apartment. For about five hours straight, we laid around, listened to country music and did our various homework assignments. We had a few friends swing by, which was nice. Days like this are underrated. There’s a lot to be said where there normally isn’t, for the relaxedness associated with feeling like you’re at home. Or, maybe, like you’re at home-away-from-home.