Lost Classmates from 1966

Are you in touch with one of the people listed below? Are you one of the people on this lost list? If you can answer "yes" to either of these questions, we want to be back in touch with you. Send your updated contact information to classof1966@stevens.edu and we will be sure to send you all of our class communications!

Mr. Juliano Andorno
Mr. Charles R. Bryson
Mr. John R. Cowin
Mr. Anthony J. Cozza
Mr. Richard C. Eng
Mr. Donald E. Felch
Mr. Ronald C. Henry
Mr. Jose Hernandez
Mr. Kamill R. Hilberth
Mr. Walter F. Hill
Mr. Russell W. Hoag, Jr.
Mr. Goerge R. Horensky
Mr. George M. Kessler
Mr. Joseph S. Komorek
Mr. Gerald Leland
Mr. Jack V. Morreale, Jr.
Mr. Bakari Mwanyoha
Mr. Kenneth J. Olson
Mr. David E. Peterson
Dr. Donald E. Polk
Mr. Thomas Radkevich
Mr. John H. Reeder
Mr. Gerald N. Rhodes
Mr. Helmar R. Steglich
Mr. Alfred S. Wesley
Mr. Richard J. Wheeler
Mr. Gerald G. Wilson
Mr. George N. Zacsek






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