Class of 66 Indicator Log
(September 2015 Submission)
Class Secretary: Stephen W. Fields
July 9, 2015 – Gerry Osborne is happy to report: “The Class of ’66 Scholarship was awarded to Angelo Popper ’15 on April 25, 2015. Angelo is from Staten Island, New York, and is a senior in the Biomedical Engineering program. The awarding of this scholarship continues our history of financially supporting talented Stevens undergraduates.”
Our Reunion Chairman, Al Zorner, reports in: “June 3-5, 2016 Alumni Weekend!!! Put it on your calendar. The Class of 1966 will celebrate our 50th Reunion. Will you be there? By the time this edition of The Indicator is published, the planning cycle will be well under way, and we will hopefully have enough volunteers to do the best job for this special reunion. However, as a volunteer, we assume you will attend each event. And that is our intention – total participation for the Class of ’66.
“Our reunion team is segmented into four committees:
“Activities – Identify events and activities appealing to our classmates;
“Communications (Don Faul, Charlie Constanzo) — Review and send communications regarding events; create a website pertinent to our class;
“Fundraising (Gerry Osborne) — Set the goals and priority for class fundraising;
“Materials (Bob Dent) — Develop, collect class memories, and assemble our 50th Reunion Logbook.
“We have 205 classmates listed on our alumni roster, with 38 missing contact information. There are an additional 20 classmates in our yearbook yet absent from the alumni listing. Should you have any concern on the accuracy of your information, please make every effort to have it updated as soon as possible by contacting me. We cannot meet our participation goals if we cannot communicate the activities directly to you.
“Al Zorner, Chairman-50th Reunion Committee; 910 367-8528;”
And from Arthur Lifshey: “Hi, Steve. For the past 20 years my wife, Joan, and I have spent our summers sailing on Barnegat Bay, New Jersey. Our current 38-foot Irwin Sloop also serves us well as our summer home, and all the systems keep my engineering mind and hands very busy. Walt Korzun and Louise, also sailors in the area, joined us for a great sail on July 4th weekend. Other than that, we are enjoying retirement with many hobbies. Looking forward to 50th reunion next year. Best Regards, Art.”
A first from Jerry Clearwater: “Hi Steve, this is my first note for The Indicator and thought our classmates might want to know what happened to me since graduation. After graduation I started working for PSE&G (NJ’s largest utility) in its power generation unit. About half of my almost 40-year career was spent in various management positions in power generation. The other half I worked in senior management positions in human resources, including leading the human resources group for the ‘non-utility’ businesses. One of the interesting companies I worked with developed, owned and ran power plants and electric distribution companies around the world. We had offices and projects in Europe, Latin America, India, China and the U.S. In 2005, I decided it was time to retire and devote more time to my family.
“My wife Mary Ann and I have two children and two grandchildren, and we are still living in New Jersey. We celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary last year with a Disney cruise for the family, the grandchildren had a ball (us too!). We also took a wonderful trip to Ireland, where we both have ancestors. We have kept productive with our hobbies, traveling and caring for various family members of ‘The Greatest Generation.’ I wish all of our classmates well and hope to see many of them at our 50threunion in 2016! Keep well. Jerry Clearwater;”
And I can always count on John Mirro: “Steve: Several years ago I received a phone call from Rich Seeley. It went like this: ‘Hi, my name is Rich Seeley. Are you the John Mirro who graduated from Stevens Tech in 1966?”
“I saw your name in The Indicator and saw that you live in Silverthorne, Colorado
“Yes... I do.
“I graduated from Stevens in 1966 too and I live in Silverthorne. Where in Silverthorne?”
I told him.
“Wow, we’re neighbors!
“No kidding! I assume you’re retired. What do you do here?’
“Rich gave me a list of things he enjoys. (Wildlife photography, skiing, kayaking, motor home traveling) “Rich, I enjoy the same things!’ ”
“Rich was exhibiting his wildlife photography the following week at a studio in Breckenridge, and I arranged to go to the studio and meet him. We hit it off immediately. How could we not? Both engineers and sharing almost identical interests in our retirement. Now, after almost two years of meeting and countless adventures on the slopes or out in the wild taking photographs together we’re best of friends. My wife Linda and I get together with Rich and his wife Beth frequently. Both woman share many of our interests so conversations are always lively and interesting. Oh, did I mention all four of us have a love of wine?
“During our days at Tech we didn’t know each other—different fraternities! Although we both recall each other’s name. As it turns out, both Rich and I were on the soccer team and were members ofSUE – Society of Underwater Engineers. We are both thankful to have met and built a friendship after almost 50 years.
“The picture was taken this past winter at Loveland Ski Area by Rich’s wife. John Mirro; 970-262-9448.”