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Class of 1991 Indicator Log

Class Secretary: Daniel Y. Goldberg

Guest log from Hanh Nguyen Schnell:
Oct. 30, 2015 — My Fellow Class of 1991: How quickly the time has flown. It is hard to believe that 25 years ago, we were new Stevens students, un-certain of what lie ahead for us. So many memories flooded back as I reflected on my formative years at our alma mater. Stevens laid the foundation for me as an engineer, as a leader and as an active member of the Stevens community. Now we are sea-soned professionals, with stories of our journey to tell. I would love to hear them all from you when we return to Stevens Tech to mark our silver anniversary milestone. As communicated to you in the letter that you should have received, many preparations are underway to make this significant milestone memorable and meaningful.

Our planning committee is hard at work to create a wonderful event for the Alumni Weekend scheduled for June 3-5, 2016. Over the course of the next few months, you will continue to hear from us about Alumni Weekend and have opportunities to join the planning team. In the meanwhile, walk down memory lane with me by visiting our class’ Facebook page where you can view, post and tag members of our graduating class. The committee is also in the process of creating the Class of 1991 Term Scholarship to celebrate this momentous occasion. Our goal is to raise $25,000 with 100% participation from our class. Below please find a list of alumni from our class for whom Stevens no longer has valid contact information. If you are in touch with any of these classmates, please let them know about our 25th reunion and share their information with Casey Bell, Director of the Edwin A. Stevens Society, at 201-216-3335 or

Here are our missing classmates: Abdullah M. Alhussain, Lucia Ayra, Sal J. Basso, Robert F. Blanch, Lorenzo Q. Bonado, Frank E. Cirone, Eric J. Denny, Andre O. Halim, Robert W. King, Michael C. LoMarro, Thomas G. Meyerink, Alenka V. Mrakovcic, Abraham P. Nguyen, Manoj M. Patel, Esther M. Pressler, Shafiqur Rahman, David A. Scribellito, Nan O. Silverman, Randall C. Smith, Rajeev Talwar, Maria E. Teigeiro, Sanjay P. Vaz, Paul J. Weihs, Debbie L. Williams.

I look forward to reconnecting with all of you in June as we return to Castle Point!

Hanh Nguyen Schnell

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