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Class of 1976 Indicator Log

Class Co-Secretary: Frank Roberto

Class Co-Secretary: Thomas F. Errington

July 17, 2015 – Hello all, hope you are all well and surviving the summer. Our Class of 1976 log in The Indicator has been under-represented these last few issues and it can benefit greatly from your reply and a contribution. Any and all news is welcome, espe-cially pictures. Take care - thanks - Frank Roberto.

“Hey Frank, Doing well in eastern PA, looking forward to retirement in a few years. My twin grand-sons (sons of eldest daughter Jessica and husband Doug) turned 3 this year and my ‘baby’ Amanda and her husband Steve are expecting their first (a boy) in September. My youngest son Scott is getting married (finally at age 31) at the end of July. Oldest son Dave (namesake of Dave Cadamuro, where are you?) turned 33 and still a bachelor. If Auggie Morris is reading this, wanted to let him know that he was right all those years ago about becoming an actuary. My son Scott and daughter Amanda both are on the verge of passing their final tests for their ASAs and they are making the money. Think about my big brother George and Superman from time to time and wonder what’s up with them. Rick Abt, I’m still trying to figure out how to link up with you on Liked-IN, but I afraid I’m still social /professional media challenged (it’s not you, it’s me...). Saw in a recent Indicator that Randy C was married to Natalie S. After all those denials back at Tech denying that he had a thing for her, Randy you are my hero (so cool). Glad you looked so good back at that fateful party when Rhonda’s girlfriend Sue choose you to hit on and Rhonda got stuck with me. Guess that’s how fate works, huh? Looking forward to hearing back from you all after all the name dropping. Contact Frank Roberto if you want to e-mail me. Paul F. No-wicki, P.E.; Manager of Facilities, Knoll, Inc.; (215) 679 1845,,”

This also in from Mike Ciecierski. “Hope things are well with you. I’m still chugging along here in the Baltimore area – working on my 40th year with Northrop Grumman – the old Westinghouse Defense Electronics sector that Northrop acquired back in 1996. I’m managing 4 different programs presently, some big, some small – all keeping me quite busy. I still travel domestically on business trips but not like before in my field support days of old. The wife and I are thinking about retirement one of these coming years but nothing on the immediate horizon. I still keep in regular touch with Dennis Bradway from our class – he remains with Mannington in South Jersey and does international travel quite frequently. His brother, and my once roommate Doug, retired this past December after a long career with Honeywell. None of us have been back to Hoboken since we graduated – probably wouldn’t recognize most of the campus nowadays with all the changes and additions made over the years. That’s it in a nutshell.”

And very briefly from Ed Gallagher “Spent 4th of July in Colorado. Pic is from Trailridge, which had just opened. As you can see, there are still spots, not many, where the remaining snow is over 6 feet.”

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